Friday 23 December 2011

birthday at the beach!!! hee

"happy birthday 2 u..
happy birthday 2 u..
happy birthday 2 u uu ~ ~"
.:: main event ::.
hehe...last this pretty evening..we're celebrating birthday for the two boys...boys yang dah tua@lanjut usia sbnrnyer..sorg celebrate for 19th years,and the other one 20th years old...ianya bukanlah party yang gempak ala2 beach party tu,tpi bleh tahan ar...what the important is we're enjoy it mostly,especially for the birthday boys..they are LOVE IT!! and appreciate it. I LIKE!

hehe..nama yg tertera kat atas Birthday cake..and have the birthday boys name there
"happy birthday azrai and arif(my b)!!"

the main menu :: tara!! DOMINO's PIZZA!! hehe superb..yum3

haha! aksi B and azrai yg xbleh blah..!!
aksi suap-mnyuap yang xmsuk kt mulut langsung pon =P

simple je kan this birthday party..??
dah hbis semua mknan g, jgn dilepaskan peluang tuk hbskan masa "basuh kaki,basuh tgn" bak kata azrai(birhday boy) kat tepi pantai..enjoy~

kanak2 ribena yg menikmati air laut,hehe
@pantai puteri,melaka..

just walk but meaningful =D
.:: ily ::.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

welcoming note! hee~

salam..hye there!!
huhh...where should i start?? hee ...actually aq adalah ex-bloggers yang pernah aktif in bloggers world before this. Tapi, zaman tu dah lama aq tinggalkan..1 day,just right now actually,hehe. Aq dpt baca 1 of the gorgeous blog that i ever read...its something cool but interesting! start from that, i've realize that i miss the moments where everyday aq akn m'hadap my 'Farid Kamil' (stand for my lappy's name,hee) untuk update my daily,weekly or monthly blog. But, tu sume story past 2 3 years ago..and now I'M BACK again..

apa yang aq harapkan adalah..ramai yang akan berminat ngn entry aq and whatever story that i'm sharing, what kind of gossip2, ilmiah and so on..thanks there..

p/s: InsyaAllah aq akan post more interesting entry than before...till see again~